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Tip: Ignore a Single Query Parameter when Caching with Nginx

Since it's not entirely obvious, this is how you can ignore a subset of the query string when using Nginx as a cache for an upstream server (think legacy cache-busting behavior, which can make a Nginx cache ineffective).

First off is the proxy_cache_key directive, which defaults to the value of $scheme$proxy_host$uri$is_args$args. This is ultimately the value that is hashed by Nginx as the lookup key for the cached result. So naturally, any change to this key will result in a separate canonical cache.

$is_args resolves to the literal ? or empty string, so you can basically consider this key to be equal to $scheme$proxy_host$request_uri. All variables are document on the official docs.

But let's say we want to ignore a value e.g. say ?random=2d027f03-54aa-4713-b67a-1d11a3025f59, but don't want to take the draconic approach of asking Nginx to completely ignore the query string. For this, I think the easiest solution is to use Nginx maps and regex.

TOML, also INI
code block
# Maps need to be under the http context.
http {

    # The input to the map is $args, which might be an empty string.
    map $args $cache_args {
        # Kind of scary, explained later.
        "~*^(.*?)?&?tag=[^&]*?(&.*)?$" $1$2;
        # If the above regex fails to match, assume the $args as unchanged.
        default $args;

Let's break down that scary regex.

A regex expression that is color coded with the different sections
I'm so sorry to screen readers, I have no idea how to make this accessible.
  • (Purple) The first section isn't regex, but it does enable regex within the map pattern selector. The * part declares this regex should be done case-insensitive. RFC does say that URL's should be case-sensitive, but most systems follow Postel's law, as letter-case may change going through multiple proxies.
  • (Yellow) Just specifying that this regex must eat the whole input, or none of the input. This is typically best practices for both performance and correctness.
  • (Green) Capture group 1 (aka $1) - basically eat everything, non-greedily, before our "query parameter to remove". The non-greedy *? is mostly a micro-optimization to avoid regex backtracking (read, costly). Most regex DOS exploits are from causing excessive backtracking.
  • (Red) Capture group 2 (aka $2) - basically eat everything after the "query parameter to remove".
  • (Gray) The actual "query parameter to remove" - basically eat the literal random=, and then any input that is not &.

I like to personify regex as a hungry monster that eats everything in it's path. I like to think this helps my sanity.

So this regex ultimately will produce 2 groups, ignoring the part of the query string we want to ignore.

A query string with the regex groups applied, color coded
I reeeaaally should learn to use a vector editor, and not Microsoft Word...

So the end result of $cache_args will either be $args$ or the concatenation of $1$2 (group 1 and group 2).

It's important to test the regex against different query strings e.g. prefixed group, postfixed group, etc. I used these test cases to double check edge-conditions.

After we have our new normalized query string, it can be used in the cache key. A complete config might look like:

TOML, also INI
code block
http {

    map $args $cache_args {
        "~*^(.*?)?&?tag=[^&]*?(&.*)?$" $1$2;
        default $args;

    server {
        location / {
            proxy_pass http://upstream:80;
            proxy_cache main;
            proxy_cache_min_uses 0;
            proxy_cache_lock on;

            # Set the cache key to use our possibly modified $cache_args.
            proxy_cache_key $scheme$proxy_host$uri$is_args$cache_args;

            add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status;
            add_header X-Cache-Key $uri$is_args$cache_args;

Here I'm using the X-Cache-Key response header to help test my regex. For this to be a success, X-Cache-Key should be the exact same URL that Nginx receives, minus that one query parameter random=.

And that's about it. Kind of cool how flexible Nginx is, it gives Varnish a run for its money.