This is my domain. Thusly so, the information and my opinions under this domain ( are provided as is with no warranties.

The opinions under my domain are solely my own. The writing under this domain does not represent the opinions, intentions, ideas, or reality of my employers, associates, affiliates, friends, family, or enemies. In addition, my opinions and ideals change from time to time. As such, any thoughts expressed within old or paradoxical compositions may be different to those thoughts I hold today.

This blog may contain useful information; however, I am not an expert. I do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, sustainability, or validity of any information. Therefore, I will not be liable for any errors, omissions, delays, or apocalypses due to this information, nor any losses or damages that arise from its use. Rather, I do guarantee that I will make all effort in correcting incorrect information under my domain.

Feel free to challenge me, disagree with me, or tell me I'm completely crazy in the comments section, but I reserve the right to delete or edit any comment at my sole discretion. I provide no warranties that I will read any comments, as such I cannot endorse the comments that are published.

I may use images, links, obnoxious flash animations, and other media to provide extra information. I, however, do not provide warranty of correct usage under law or in context. Any files or downloadables under my domain are to my knowledge safe, but I provide no warranty of such, download and use at your own discretion. If I am in error, contact my domain Whois contact immediately for resolution.

All the writing of my own I release under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All the programs, scripts, and other relatable works of my own are released under the MIT License unless otherwise specified. All other content holds the rights of the original licensor, individual, or legal entity.

I will never share personal information with third parties nor do I store any information about your visits other than to analyze your browsing experiences through the use of cookies. I use Piwik to perform web analytics, thusly I maintain complete control over any collected information. If the reader has allergies to nuts or milk they can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing the specific browser settings.

This disclaimer is subject to change without notice and was last updated on December 16, 2014. The reason for change was for grammar corrections.